My Advice To Those Seeking Tabs
This is going to sound a bit " old geezer banging on
about the old days " I'm afraid - but since putting some guitar duets
on YouTube I keep getting requests for tabs.
I can see the reason for this as a tab gives the notes in the right order
with neck positions and everything. - Saves a lot of time having to work it
out yourself but what you're not getting is the ear
training that comes from having to intently listen to a piece of
music to try and get the notes and/or chords.
When I started to learn guitar there were three options ( in the UK anyway
· You either learnt classical style by learning to read music
and follow the "dots"
· You might possibly have had access to an old style
jazz teacher
· You bought Bert Weedons' "Play in a Day"
and taught yourself
There was no internet, there were no tabs and no other written forms of the
kind of music guitar fans like me wanted to play
- so if you wanted to learn a particular piece of guitar you had to put a
vinyl record onto a turntable and try to play along
( if you were lucky you may have had a reel-to-reel tape recorder which could
be slowed down to half speed! )
the "dansette" the primary tool of the sixties guitarist!
All the great British guitarists of the sixties learnt to play like this.
Eric Clapton · Jeff Beck · Jimmy Page · Peter Green ·
Brian May.
Check out Keith Richards' biography for his description of learning in this
Bert Weedons' "Play in a Day" has achieved mythical status as a
result but in truth it isn't particularly good it's just all there was at
the time.
These players became great improvisors partly because they learnt to play
by ear
Reading any sort of music at that time was considered the antithesis of what
Blues/Rock music was all about.
In my opinion it still is - so my advice to those seeking tabs is to forget
about it.
Instead learn as much theory as possible and learn to use your ears.
A good knowledge of theory makes working out melodies easier once you know
what the chords are. When trying to find the notes of a melody I always work
out the chords first - this makes the melody lines much more obvious ( melodies
often derive from the notes within the chords )
Analyzing songs/tunes
Here are some tips as to what I do when working out the chord sequence
of any song/tune.
Regardless of the style of music that I'm analyzing I use an acoustic guitar
tuned normally and a CD player with pause and rewind ( computer programmes
that make it possible to loop audio are ideal for this as well ).
I don't have ' perfect pitch ' or any other special attributes - this a skill
anyone can learn.
Step One
Get in tune with the track.
Not all music is recorded at concert pitch and it is very difficult to spot
notes and chords if you're even a bit out of tune
- It's worth spending a bit of time playing along with the track using just
your top or bottom E string to try and spot some notes to get this string
in tune
- when you have done this stop the track and retune the other strings to your
top or bottom string.
Step Two
Listen to the bass
- this means either the lowest guitar note that you can hear or the note that
the bass guitar is playing.
This is likely to be the root note of the chord you're trying to find - with
experience you get to spot when a chord has an altered bass note [
a slash chord ] .
Most chords are rooted on the proper bass note.
There are only 12 different notes to choose from - one of them has to be the
right one - keep going till you find it!
Step Three
Major or Minor
Having got the root note of a chord established [ C say ] I then try playing
a small major chord [notes C and E ] along with the track - if that sounds
wrong I'll try a small minor [notes C and Eb ]
Most chords are either major or minor [ '5' chords by definition aren't major
or minor but quite often they are an abbreviated version of a chord which
is ]
If both major and minor sound wrong or ' not quite right ' then I assume it's
a ' sus ' chord of some kind - I would therefore try a Csus4 or Csus2 along
with the track.
If the chord doesn't seem to fit any of these then it is probably either a
diminished or augmented chord. I would try Cdim or C+
Step Four
Find any extensions/alterations
Assuming that I've correctly identified the chord as a C major of some sort
but a straight C major still doesn't sound right I would then start looking
for extensions.
" Is it a seventh? [ C7 ] " is probably the first question - closely
followed by " is it a Major Seventh ? [ Cmaj7 ] "
Try these and if one seems to fit try some further extensions just to see
if C9 sounds more correct than C7 or Cmaj9 sounds more like it than Cmaj7.
If none of these make a complete fit try some alterations - the most common
being flat 5 - C7b5 or Cmaj7b5 for example.
Another commonly used alteration is the sharp 9 - C7#9 for example.
If you're into jazz there are quite a few others to consider but with experience
you can spot some complex chords just by the context they appear in i.e. the
other chords in the piece.
Trial and error
This may all sound very complicated and long winded [ so much easier just
to get the tab off the net! ] but if you're serious about music this is a
great way to sharpen up your ears and gain insights into theory , chord construction
and songwriting. [ by the way a lot of tabs on the net are wrong ]
Like most areas of music the more you do it the easier it gets.
Chord Families
It is useful to think of five families of chords for analysis purposes
- these are , in order of usage ;
· Major chords
Any chord with a major third - [ except an Augmented chord ]
I'd subdivide this category into Dominant Seventh and Major Seventh
types. [e.g. C7,C9 etc. or Cmaj7, C maj9 etc. ]
· Minor chords
Any chord with a minor third - [ except a Diminished chord.]
· Suspended chords
Any chord with a second or fourth instead of a third
· Diminished chords
This is really just one chord i.e. a full diminished chord,also known as a
Diminished 7th chord, but it needs its own separate slot as it is different
to all other chords in its effect.
· Augmented chords
Like the diminished this chord has its own character so it's useful to regard
it as a separate class of chord - any sharp 5 chord could fit in this category.
Stick at it !
You are unlikely to successfully work out a piece of music
straight off - it is a process that accumulates from experience so don't give
up if your first attempts at this are unsuccessful - getting things wrong
is part of the process !
Don't get me wrong - I'm not anti tab. I use tabs all the time as a teaching
aid but I just feel that too many young players have become totally reliant
on finding a tab for any tune that they want to learn rather than trying to
work it out themselves and thus never develop an "ear".
If you find any of the above baffling or slightly out of your comfort zone
visit my free lessons site and check out my music
theory for guitarists tutorial.
You may also find some actual tabs on this site - All transcribed by me listening
to the music!

© Nick Marchant Guitars